
Improved Cypress Seed

In general, cypresses are a versatile species group with proven performance both as a high value timber producer and as shelter species.  Their aromatic timber is very easy to mill, is stable, and has many end uses.  They grow best on moderately fertile, well-drained, sheltered sites, but with careful species and seedlot selection will perform well on a wider range of sites.  Proseed supplies improved seed of Cupressus lusitanica and C. macrocarpaC. lusitanica is more resistant to cypress canker than C. macrocarpa.  

Cupressus lusitanica - Proseed now supplies improved seed from its Amberley orchard.  Previously, seed was collected from the best individuals within the top 32 of 108 families in a progeny trial established by Scion in Gwavas Forest. The trial there included selections from throughout the New Zealand landrace, from an earlier, smaller progeny trial, and from improvement programmes in both Kenya and Columbia.  Proseed’s orchard is established with grafts of the single best individuals from the top Gwavas families.  Further improvement of seedling quality can be expected from separation of these parents from lesser performing individuals in the originating trial.

Cupressus macrocarpa - Proseed now provides improved C. macrocarpa seed from the New Zealand breeding orchard also planted at Amberley. Selections from this orchard have been phenotypically selected for resistance to canker from the Gwavas macrocarpa progeny trial. Progeny trials have been planted which will confirm and rank resistance as well as providing material for future breeding. The Strathallan Seed Orchard has been removed.

Seedlot  Source Price/kg¹ Comment
C. lusitanica Amberley $1,600  Best selections from Gwavas Progeny Trial
C. macrocarpa Amberley $1,600

Seed from parents exhibiting phenotype tolerance to canker

(under progency testing) 


¹Prices include NZ Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Conditions Apply

This seed is available for sale on the condition that purchasers sign a contract to pay a royalty of 4 cents per propagule sold or used for personal use.  The royalties are to help advance genetic improvement and better understand cypress growth, siting and effects of silvicultural practices.